segunda-feira, 28 de setembro de 2015

(a) Riscar o Património - Património Industrial

O dia começou com o Sol num cobertor de nevoeiro alto, calmo e silencioso, todos estavam contentes por se reunirem novamente. Uma fábrica de tijolos e telhas a desenhar, tinha mais de cem anos, este lugar esquecido e abandonado, estava cheio de histórias e detalhes. Existiam algumas evidências do tempo ter parado, mas o silêncio, as rachas do telhado, o vento e os pássaros voando mostraram vida e movimento na lenta decadência da estrutura. Argila era a cor e as sombras estavam por todo o lado amarrando milhões de tijolos, nas paredes furadas perdiam-se coisas e a poeira era interminável. ... (a) Riscar o Património - Industrial Heritage The day started with the Sun in a blanket of high fog, calm and silent, all were happy to meet again. A factory of bricks and tiles was the place, forgotten and abandoned some years ago, this building had more than one hundred years and was full of stories and details. There was some evidences of time freezing but in the silence, the cracks in the roof, the wind and the birds flying and singing showed some life and movement in the slow decay of the structure. Clay was the color and shadows were everywhere tying millions of bricks, in pierced walls things were lost and the dust was endless.

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